A little further north on the West Side Road, I captured this view east across Badwater Basin of an alluvial fan at the base of a washout in the Amargosa Range that runs down the eastern side of death valley.
This shot was taken with my Canon 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 III USM (B&H) lens racked out to 300mm. As a consequence, the distance across the valley has been considerably compressed.
In the foreground is some scrubby vegetation. The orange layers in the middle are mudflats while the white band is a salt crust at the lowest point of the valley where all the moisture has evaporated. Beyond that is the alluvial fan of gravel washed down the gully behind it over innumerable rain and flash flood events over the last 10,000 years or so.
The richness of the geology of this area is evident in the exposed rock that forms the bulk of this image with a mixture of metamorphosed sedimentary and igneous rock formations.
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Production Data
Camera: Canon EOS 5D
Lens: Canon 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 III USM (B&H)
Processing: Lightroom 3.6
Processing: Photomatix 4.02
Processing: Photoshop CS5
Processing: Topaz Adjust 5