Daily Photo – Didn’t fancy walking then?
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Daily Photo – Didn’t fancy walking then?

“Didn't fancy walking then?” is what I imagine the standing on the left is saying to the on the bike. In the background a squad is marching from point A to point B for (most likely) no particular reason while the Chairman looks on.

I took this in Tienanmen Square in 1991 on the same day as yesterday's photo. Even back in 1991 there was a fair deal of pollution in Beijing and few of my photos there have clear skies. This day appears to have been a mix of overcast with a light smog.

I didn't really like what I was getting in the way of color from my slide scanner so I flipped the image to black and and applied a texture in onOne Perfect Photo Suite 7.5, Perfect Effects model.

By he way, you can pre-order onOne's Perfect Photo Suite 8 now and they'll send you version 7.5 now with a free upgrade on November 26. Also, if you bought Perfect Photo Suite 7.5 on or after August 1, 2013, you get a free upgrade too! You can find out more on the Perfect Photo Suite 8 web page.

Didn't fancy walking then?
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