Daily Photo – The Nave of Salisbury Cathedral

Daily Photo – The Nave of Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral - NaveOrder a print of this photo

Salisbury Cathedral, or more properly the of Saint Mary, was built over a period of 38 years starting in 1220. This was a pretty rapid construction for the time. It's famous tower and spire were added about 50 years later.

The has the tallest spire of any church in the UK, has the largest cloister, the largest close, contains the world's oldest working clock (from AD 1386) and has the best surviving of the four original copies of the Magna Carta. Not a bad collection of accolades when you think about it.

I shot this back in 2006 with my then new . What caught my eye was the of the stained glass windows from the Trinity Chapel reflected in the water of the rather unique and modern flowing font by William Pyre. Despite it's modernity, I think the materials chosen fit well into this fantastic building.

Many medieval churches can feel dark dark inside but that's not the case at all at , the ‘lightness' of the interior being one of the elements I sought to illustrate in this image.

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