So here's a wider shot of the end of the line. Well, not the end actually, more of a hiatus. The line continued up here on the top of the escarpment but all the trucks had to drive around to the nearest wadi or road we cut that provided access.
I'm pretty pumped right now because I just found this location on Google Maps (Map will center pretty close to my shooting location). It was further east than I had been looking. And the scar of this line and the cut through the foothills is still quite visible, though I don't know when the Google images were shot.
The view is south-south-east. At maximum magnification, you can see the two boulders on the edge of the jebel in this photo.
If you follow the scar to the south of the jebel, where it emerges from the rough terrain you can make out the bend in the line and also the tracks of the four vibrators. Wow! I've spent hours looking for that an now I finally found it! You can also see how the line continued to the north of the escarpment.
Zachary Voo made the comment on one of my desert photos on 500px recently, ‘….. No green at all. Why?' That was probably one of the more remarkable things about the desert – the absence of green. There were the occasional bushes in the dried-up water courses but the only green we got to see regularly was the green walls inside our trailers. I wonder if that was a deliberate choice?
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