Daily Photo – Seismic Vibrator
Today's photo is of a seismic vibrator - a Failing Y1100 on a Birdwagen Mark III hydraulic 4-wheel drive buggy.
Today's photo is of a seismic vibrator - a Failing Y1100 on a Birdwagen Mark III hydraulic 4-wheel drive buggy.
Me and my Land Rover or my Land Rover and I? Probably the latter if I could be bothered to reach for one of my several style guides.
Not really another day, another wadi, more the same day and the same wadi as yesterday's image. Today's photo shows the wadi stretching into the distance where it makes a left hand turn and disappears behind a headland in the distance.
William Wordsworth's poem, commonly known as 'Daffodils' was first written in 1804 and revised in 1815. It's the opening lines that inspired my title for today's photo. If you don't know, 'Daffodils' starts with the lines:
Here's a broader view of yesterday's photo. From here, the only way is up! With the surveyor standing by the blue Land Rover, you can see the Wild T3 Theodolite on the tripod and the Wild DI4L or DI5 distomat mounted on top of the theodolite.
The last two day's I've posted photos looking down on a bulldozer cutting a trail down an escarpment in western Libya. Today's photo is of surveying the escarpment looking up from the bottom.