Daily Photo – Deer Cave
The shot below is perhaps the classic Deer Cave shot. Mine is actually a seven-shot HDR - seven slides scanned and merged in Photomatix Pro.
The shot below is perhaps the classic Deer Cave shot. Mine is actually a seven-shot HDR - seven slides scanned and merged in Photomatix Pro.
As we went further into the massive passage that is Deer Cave, I turned back and go this shot back to the entrance.
Deer Cave boasts some impressive measurements - passage length of over 4 kilometers with a one kilometer stretch with a width of 174 m and a height of 122 m. The main entrance (photo below) has been measured at 146 m. Indeed, you can get an idea of the scale from the two men that appear in the photo.
As the sun disappeared below the horizon we turned our eyes back to the hills, watching and waiting. And then we started to see the bats of Mulu take flight.
The trail we were following to get to our bat flight viewing experience ran close to the cliff edge in places as you can see in the photo below, of a longboat heading downriver.
From high on a hillside we had a great view down onto the river and the new arrivals coming upstream. This photo was taken in the Gunung Mulu National Park in 1989.