I captured this image while waiting for my daughter to run around to the top of this slide. When I was young, slides were made of stainless steel and consisted of a base with some low rise walls a few inches high. I don't see many of those now. Instead, slides now are plastic tubes. This has the advantage of preventing your precious little one from falling over the edge on the way down but has the side effect of slowing down the whole experience. On the upside, your hair looks wicked when you emerge – like you've been holding onto a Van der Graaf generator!
I like the black-and-white because its a better representation of the grey day but below is a color version.
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Production Data
Camera: canon eos 5d
Lens: Canon 24-105mm f/4L IS USM AF Lens
Processing: Lightroom 4.0
Processing: photoshop cs5
Processing: Nik Software Silver Efex Pro 2 (Nik Software)
Processing: Nik Software Color Efex Pro 4 (Nik Software)