Miller Time is the result of one of those, “I wonder what would happen in I…..”. In this case, having downed a few Miller Lites I read on the label that the inside of the bottle neck had a vortex inducing design – to help it pour more smoothly I guess. Looking down the neck I was taken by the way the light from the ceiling fixture was illuminating the bottle. I had a Canon PowerShot S-100 on me at the time and that was the camera I used for this shot. I simply put the lens up against the opening of the bottle, pointed the base of the bottle to the ceiling light and pressed the shutter. I was immediately impressed with the results. You can see the spiral on the inside of the neck that induces the vortex. You might be thinking, “But doesn't Miller Lite come in clear glass bottles?” And the answer is, of course, “Yes”. The reason the neck is dark is because I was hand-holding this loose arrangement of camera and bottle.
Miller Time - looking down the neck of a Miller Lite bottle