So I thought I'd post one more death valley photo before moving on. This one was taken hand-held with my 75-300mmBadwater in this photo but you can see, on the right, the finger of white salt crust that leads out from the parking lot. The black dots on the white are people, more than a mile below me.
While less noticeable when actually down there, the purple of the manganese salts is clearly evident – it must be due to the relative angle of incidence and reflection of the light.
Of course, while I was watching the snow roll in around my location, the people down on the valley floor were just experiencing an overcast day.
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Production Data
Camera: Canon EOS 5D
Lens: Canon 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 III USM
Processing: Lightroom 3.6
Processing: Photomatix 4.02
Processing: photoshop CS5
Processing: Nik Software Color Efex Pro 4 Complete Edition