If I ever get the opportunity to reshoot this, I'd do it differently.
- I'd get up earlier for one thing – this was probably stunning as the sun rose above the hills behind me and it's light crept down the mountains and across the water. It should be possible in June-July to catch the sunrise illuminating these cliffs from without the sun rising as high in the sky as it has already in this image.
- I'd use a tripod. Modern carbon fiber tripods are lightweight yet sturdy and ones like the Traveler series from Gitzo
- I'd probably try bracketing my focus. In the same way you can bracket exposures for exposure, you can bracket foreground, midground and background focus and then combine the images in photoshop to extend focus throughout the depth of the image without having to go to a really small aperture and correspondingly long shutter speed, which would have blurred the surface of the water more.
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