Daily Photo – Sunrise on Mount Kinabalu
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Daily Photo – Sunrise on Mount Kinabalu

As the sun's rays broke through the distant cloud bank I turned my camera to the south for this shot from the summit of Mount Kinabalu.

The weak early morning rays are just starting to clearly illuminate the east facing rocks while most of the upper realm remains in shadow. I like this shot because while the left side of the frame shows the advancing , the right side shows the receding night.

In the distance, the ridges of the Crocker Range peak through the carpet of early morning lowland that fills the valleys.

In the lower left corner you can make out a sign. I'll post a photo in a few days from about 30 minutes to an hour later than shows the sign more clearly. It shows the contours of the top of the and with the very steep drop off into Low's Gully just to our left.

I remember just feeling up there on the summit but the scene was so wondrous that I didn't want to miss a second of it. With a digital camera I'd have taken a lot more shots since the light was constantly changing but since I was using film I was more conservative and shot only a few frames.

This is a view to the south from the summit of Mount Kinabalu as the sun slowly rises in the east.
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