Daily Photo – Ton Sai Bay

Daily Photo – Ton Sai Bay
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Across the isthmus from Loh Dalam Bay on Koh Phi Phi Don is Ton Sai Bay. The water here is deeper so has a richer blue color when viewed from a height and a more vivid aqua color when viewed from the beach. This image was more of a stretch so it's on the soft side but has almost a painterly feel to it. It's again taken from the lookout point on the eastern part of the island looking pretty much south-west.

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Daily Photo – Loh Dalam Bay

Daily Photo – Loh Dalam Bay
<a href="http://richarddavisphotography.smugmug.com/buy/20616575_KKjdrZ/2065310657_QV4VdF7/" target="_blank">Order a Limited Edition Print of this photo</a>

Loh Dalam Bay is on the north side of the sandy isthmus that connects the two limestone outcrops that form Phi Phi Don. This photo was taken from the lookout on the eastern half of the island. I'm guessing I used my Tamron 500mm mirror lens for this photo as it was the longest lens I owned at the time.

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Daily Photo – Heading Up River

Daily Photo – Heading Up River
<a href="http://richarddavisphotography.smugmug.com/buy/20616575_KKjdrZ/2020126719_ZD75B99/" target="_blank">Order a Limited Edition Print of this photo</a>

I was taken with the speed delivered by these twin, 2.6 liter, V6, 175 horse-power Yamaha outboards. That was, until our Mr. Fixit started telling stories about these boats hitting trees floating down-river.

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Daily Photo – Boats at Midnight

Consequently we ended up down at the harbor at midnight, which is when I captured the image above. The low angle of the sun, hanging just above the horizon, provided 'golden hour' light for the warm tones in this shot.

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Daily Photo – Carter Road Lift Bridge

Daily Photo – Carter Road Lift Bridge
Carter Road Lift Bridge (Click image for larger view or to purchase)

The two bridges in this view span the river at Carter Road. The blue bridge is active and carries the road traffic. The rusting bridge in front of it carried one of the railway spurs that used to serve the industrial area known locally as The Flats.

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