The Bomber Command Memorial was unveiled by Queen Elizabeth II on 28 June 2012. Perhaps it was covered in a large white sheet and she deftly pulled it away like the waiter snatching the table cloth from under the table settings (but probably not like that at all). The memorial is a short walk from her back yard at Buckingham Palace but I suspect she was driven in a Rolls Royce – which was probably fitting given so many British WWII bombers were powered by Rolls Royce engines. 55,573 aircrew from Britain, canada, Czechoslovakia, Poland and other countries lost their lives serving in the command. If you take the 2,074 days between September 3rd, 1939 and May 8th, 1945 (VE day) that's 27 per day or more than one per hour over the course of the war.
(All proceeds from the sale of this photo will be donated to the upkeep of the memorial)
Bomber Command Memorial in Green Park, London. It commemorates the 55,573 Bomber Command crew who lost their lives in WWII.