Since i really didn't understand what was happening on the stage in front of me I started turning my lens on the audience. Sitting as close to the stage as he could get was this old man. He was clearly enjoying the show. I was struck by the way he was wearing his glasses with the side arms high above his ears. I guess he was wearing bifocals and wearing them tilted in this fashion ensured he was looking through the top, distance vision, lenses. By the way, this is a great tip if you're taking a straight-on portrait of someone who wears glasses and you don't want to be reflected in their glasses. Have them lift the side arms up a little from their ears – perhaps a half inch or so, not as much as this man. By lifting the side arms you tilt the face of the lens down and your reflection (and that of your flash) get directed down and away from your camera.
When I look at these photos today, I find myself wondering who this man was, what he was like as a boy and if his life turned out as he expected it to. Who knows. But for a short while he was transported from his regular life by the actors performing in front of him and he was clearly enjoying what he was seeing.