After a while spend wandering off-trail we decided it was time we were rejoining the pack.
With the sun continuing to climb into the morning sky, it was also getting warmer. My Italian friend is walking ahead as we set off the rejoin the trail. The trail has been etched into the surface of the rock by all the trekkers over the years and it's quite obvious in Google Earth or the satellite view in Google Maps. If you click on the image to view it on my SmugMug site then click again to enlarge you might see the white line across the rock on the right of the photo dotted with other trekkers also heading back down the mountain.
The tops of the clouds in this photo are more than a mile vertically below me, the bottom of the valleys in this photo close to one-and-a-half miles vertically below me. Four or five hours later I'd also be down there, among the trees and below the cloud.