Pismo Surfer was taken from the pier at Pismo Beach. I am not a surfer. I'm a lousy swimmer at the best of times so I'd admire these people that go out and ride the waves. Especially in the cold, early hours of a fall day. I'd love to know why the surfers congregated on both sides of the pier. I could only see a few further afield. I'd have thought surfing by the pier would have risked a collision with it but maybe the pier just happens to be where the best waves are and if the pier were somewhere else, the surfers would still be here. Obviously the waves aren't massive and a good run lasts seconds rather than minutes but there's dedication in hanging out in a wet-suit on a cold morning waiting for just the right wave, and then going back out and doing it over, and over again.
Pismo Surfer, Pismo Beach, California